
March For Our Lives

One week ago today we were doing this. 
It didn't end there.
I'm so proud of the students and participants in this event.
3,000 to 4,000 in St. Petersburg I'm told.
15,000 in Tampa.
800,000 in D.C.
Over 800 marches world wide.


March For Our Lives

Saturday was the March For Our Lives led by our children everywhere for gun control reform. It was amazing. Between three and four thousand in St. Pete, fifteen thousand in Tampa, eight hundred thousand in D. C. and millions around the world. After the Parkland, Florida massacre where seventeen people were shot and killed in their school the students are saying enough is enough. I believe in stricter gun laws and I lost someone I loved when she was murdered in a murder suicide a few years ago. That wound will never heal. I will have an album put together in a couple of days of images from the march.

This is for you Lynn. I miss you like crazy.

This is for you Lynn. I miss you like crazy.

Thank you for showing up.

Thank you for showing up.

Womens' March 2018

From the Women's March in St. Petersburg, Florida yesterday. 
Click on link to view.
Thank you to everyone that put this together and came out to support. 
I don't know the exact numbers but there were thousands I hear. 
The march line went on forever! :)
I didn't get to see all of the speakers, but was inspired by the ones I did. 

Good Morning!

Good morning Instafriends and Facepeeps! :)
Tonight is the charity art show in St. Pete.
I'm very proud to have a piece accepted for this event. All proceeds go to Planned Parenthood. :)

Some fresh air to start the day! :)