My little random, disorganized view from my speck of dust...
This is the craziest time I've ever seen, these past couple of weeks...
There's been so much loss and pain. In the past couple of days a friend of mine
has filed for divorce and another friend's husband passed away. Four more well-known
musicians just passed away and the nation......ohhh our nation. Friends and families
are being pulled apart and pulled together. People are saying mean things
to each other that can't be taken back. Old friends have reached out to each
other and I'm thankful for that. Is this cyclical? Some sort of normal chaos?
We can't get our loved ones away from the internet and we can't get ourselves
to look away. I wonder if preachers ask their congregations to step away? They
should, but people should do a lot of things. I picture anarchists trying to fry our
boards as us humans frenzy to keep the truths and lies filling up our eyes.
It's like the United States has become a family that has had the tragedy of losing
a child, some families make it and become stronger through support and some end
up in divorce. It would be nice if Thanksgiving helped some people. I sat last night
with an old friend that I can't talk to on social media because our views are so passionately
different and it was really great to see him. Really great to get that hug.
The internet is breaking us down and I hope we can get our crap together with some kind of love. I don't think collectively we deal that well with this much stress. Not from what I'm seeing.
The election has brought every moment of harassment many of us have encountered to the surface and that is pretty darn painful. These news shows, some more than others, are so
amped up by fueling our fear. And we can't understand each other because we believe
what we have to lose is more important than what the other guy has to lose.
People want to bring down the government. Heck, put down your glowing screens and go
out and be kind to each other.
Don't let the love inside you die while you're trying to save the world.